

TweetAttraction Oil has been on the market for a few years and has had a mild following, 但該產品的普及,似乎要脫落. 景點石油產品銷售給找人,以吸引異性. This product is marketed to both women and men and both sexes have […]


TweetTrue Alpha is a product sold as oil based men’s pheromone cologne that can help men become more attractive to the opposite sex. 該產品的製造商和賣方作出關於本產品內的假想中所載的信息素的大索賠. 不幸的是, we could find no specific information or hard data to prove this on […]


TweetAlpha A314 is a product marketed as pheromone cologne designed to help men become more attractive to the opposite sex. 此產品在市場上銷售為一體的信息素產品提供. 此產品還開發了一個小的客戶基礎, but sales and reviews of this product have dropped off during […]


Tweet This is a brand that has been on the market for a long time. 自 2002, PherX is one of the first pheromone products available. 他們有男的版本, Women and Gay/Lesbian. I was introducted to PherX when I seen them profiled on the 20/20 story about pheromones where they did an experiment […]