This is a brand that has been on the market for a long time. 自 2002, PherX is one of the first pheromone products available. 他們有男的版本, Women and Gay/Lesbian. I was introducted to PherX when I seen them profiled on the 20/20 關於費洛蒙的故事,他們做了一個與實驗 2 sets of twins to see if pheromones work. After watching the video back in 2005, I ordered PherX and definately noticed results. I have been an active pheromone user since.
PherX包含的信息素可用的最高金額,它在全 1 盎司 (30毫升) 瓶. The main active ingredients in PherX are Androstadienone, 同性戀者的, 弗洛蒙和
雄. The female version incorporates copulins and Estratetraenol.
PherX Pros:
- 已開發PherX生物學和藥理學博士.
- 成熟的結果與用戶的極好的反饋.
- Available Worldwide with versions for Men, 婦女, 同性戀.
PherX Cons:
- 不進來看中了古龍水或香水瓶.
PherX是最好的費洛蒙產品,結果是驚人的. I cannot tell you how many times women have initiated conversation with me when I wear PherX… it’s a lot! 在 $29.95 它也是迄今為止最划算. 如果這是你第一次購買費洛蒙, 我絕對建議,作為一個偉大的開始PherX.
PherX是最好的費洛蒙產品,結果是驚人的. 我不能告訴你多少次婦女已開始與我談話,我穿PherX時......這alot! 在 $29.95 它也是迄今為止最划算. 如果這是你第一次購買費洛蒙, 我絕對建議,作為一個偉大的開始PherX.
收視率最高的非處方藥 2012