

TweetAlpha A314可不是闹着玩的,当它涉及到的网上交易市场上出售的费洛蒙域. 他们的名字, 在此批信息素的化学重点在佩戴者的目的是唤起, a sense of masculinity and power that the user is normally not able to exercise in their […]


Tweet PherSpray is a new pheromone product that was released in early 2011. 他们有男的版本, Women and Gay/Lesbian. Pherspray smells really good and gives the person wearing a feeling of power/confidence. PherSpray is more expensive than other products, 但你会发现更好的结果. 产品详细信息: PherSpray contains a blend on […]

Why are women so complicated?

Tweet“Why are women so complicated?” How often have you heard that question floating around the water cooler at work? It’s a cliché as old as the human race, men are direct about their emotions and feelings and women are endlessly mysterious. Some may argue that this is just a meaningless stereotype, while others may be […]

低自尊? 费洛蒙是一个伟大的抗抑郁

TweetTwo things first. One, a lot of depression stems from romantic short-comings. People who aren’t normally noticed by women look in the mirror at night and convince themselves of how unattractive they are. Because society refuses to see them as beautiful, they have a poor self image, leading to lower self confidence and increased levels […]


TweetWhen you search how to attract women on Google, 甚至当你问你的朋友, 你只需要结果后的结果,建议您这样或那样的科隆, 键入Z型美容产品, 等. 这样的例子不胜枚举,对这些小动作, 但现在是时候该面对真相. Life doesn’t have […]


TweetIf you’re a single man, 那么你可能已经注意到,无论出于何种原因, 它是越来越难拿起小鸡. 早在六十年代,它采取的是一个简单的舞蹈邀请,从那时起,一个女孩会是你的, 但社会,这些天是正式的要少得多, and choices are […]


TweetIt is a pretty often researched question, 为什么抑郁症的比率增加,随着时间的推移. 有些人的说法,我们仍然连接到一些原始的向往,老西, 人的本性有某种与生俱来的浪漫的理想主义,连接到它的. 有人说,它是过饱和与技术, […]


TweetLadies have seen it countless times, 男子甩开他们中谈话去蚂蚁谈绝对兽的女性. 只有这么多的事件,你可以粉笔个人不良味道的男人之前,你意识到发生了什么事有点过于频繁的舒适. Seeing the man of […]


TweetGenerally, people that are looking at articles about pheromones are probably scouring the bottom of their mind, trying to wring out the absolute last thing they can think of to help themselves be noticed by women. Nobody immediately goes online searching for pheromones until they’ve tried everything else. Men reading this have tried all of […]


TweetYou’ve probably heard of the Seven Wonders of the World before, 创作,是宏伟的,因为它们是神秘. 良好, 现在各种自然灾害,其中大部分已被销毁, 许多现代男性都在思考的时候,来了一个新的列表, 第一项: 妇女. For […]