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Sofortige Ehrlichkeit Bewertung

Tweet Instant Honesty is a pheromone cologne for men advertised as being able to help men open up the lanes of communication between men and women. This product has only been available for a little while and hasn’t developed a strong customer base of women that have tried this product and found it to be […]

Edge-Sandelholz Bewertung

Tweet Edge Sandalwood is a product advertised as pheromone cologne to help men connect more with the opposite sex that has been mildly popular since it arrived. Kundenbewertungen von der Fähigkeit dieses Produkts, um Männer mit Männern helfen, sind bestenfalls gemischt. The mild popularity of this product at first could be due […]

Edge-Treuhand Bewertung

TweetEdge Trust is another product marketed by LaCroy Chemicals of South Africa that makes big claims of being able to help a man attract more women to the dating game. Kunden-Bewertungen für dieses Produkt scheinen darauf hinzudeuten, dass nur ein kleiner Prozentsatz der Männer gefunden haben dieses Produkt für sie funktioniert. The other men […]

Pheroline Bewertung

Tweet Pheroline is a product advertised as pheromone cologne for men that has been on the market for a while that appears to have only been tried by a small percentage of men looking for a product to help them attract more women. The customer reviews concerning the ability of this product to attract women […]

Pheramour Review

Tweet Pheramour is marketed and sold as pheromone cologne that can help a man meet more women and give them an edge in the battle between the sexes. The marketing campaign surrounding this product was pretty extensive and only seems to have reached a small number of men looking for a product to help attract […]

Edge-Diesel Bewertung

TweetEdge Diesel is a product advertised as pheromone cologne that can help men attract more women and give them a slight edge in social situations. Dieses Produkt hat sich als recht beliebt bei Männern in der Hoffnung, ein Produkt, das ihnen in der Schlacht zwischen den Geschlechtern kann helfen, zu finden. Customer reviews on the ability […]

Drehen Sie die Hitze Bewertung

Tweet Turn Up the Heat is another product that claims to contain human pheromones that can help men turn up the heat around women. Die Angaben über das Arzneimittel des Herstellers und Verkäufers sind nicht auf soliden wissenschaftlichen Daten, die überprüft werden können gesichert. Customer reviews concerning the ability of Turn Up The Heat to make men […]

Sofortigen Glanz Bewertung

TweetInstant Shine is a product marketed as pheromone cologne capable of helping men attract more women that has only been around for a while. Es gibt sehr wenige verfügbar Kundenrezensionen zu diesem Produkt und dies ist ein Anliegen. This probably means this product has only been tried by a small number of men that […]

Munition Bewertung

Tweet Ammunition is a product advertised and sold as pheromone cologne to help men get closer to more women, häufiger. Die Marketing-Kampagne rund um dieses Produkt scheint, in ein paar Männer geben diesem Produkt einen Versuch geführt haben,. Die Kundenrezensionen des Munition sind rar gesät, and they have been […]


TweetEdge Essentials is designed and marketed by the LaCroy Chemical Company as the pheromone cologne that will make men more interesting and attractive to women looking for company. Es waren nicht viele Rezensionen zu diesem Produkt, das macht es schwer für Männer suchen, die dieses Produkte zu beurteilen, wie nützlich es sein wird. Die […]